Program | |||||
induction (dc1) A Sample Induction Course | |||||
Sophia Global - Škola Poslovanja Budućnosti / Općenito | |||||
Sophia Global - Škola Poslovanja Budućnosti / Upravljanje učinkom Ako želite biti zaposlenik s najvišom zaradom, onda morate biti zaposlenik s najviše doprinosa. Drugim riječima, morate pokazati svojoj tvrtki da ste vrijedni ulaganja.
Ovaj tečaj ispituje odnos između doprinosa i naknade. U njemu ćete... | |||||
Sophia Global - Future Business School / Performance Professional If you want to be the highest-earning employee, then you have to be the highest-contributing employee. In other words, you need to show your company that you’re worth the investment. This course examines the relationship between contribution and... | |||||
Sophia Global - Future Business School / Performance Professional While everyone’s path to professional success varies, some experiences are universal. We’ve all struggled with fear, self-doubt, or staying motivated at work, for example. And we all know how difficult it can be to admit a mistake—or stand... | |||||
Sophia Global - Future Business School / Leadership Essentials Great leaders bring out the best in their teams. They inspire people to action, boost group cohesion, and cultivate an environment of consistent, high-quality performance.
But no two teams or situations are the same. So, how do these leaders... | |||||
Sophia Global - Future Business School / Master of Resilience Stress is inevitable, yet many of us struggle to cope effectively when we encounter stressful situations. We resort to unhealthy outlets like procrastinating or overeating—typically making our problems worse.
Most of us know that managing... | |||||
Sophia Global - Škola Poslovanja Budućnosti / Organizacijska dobrobit Stres je neizbježan, ali mnogi od nas se bore da se učinkovito nose sa njim kada naiđemo na stresne situacije. Pribjegavamo nezdravim navikama poput odugovlačenja ili prejedanja - čime pogoršavamo naše probleme.
Većina nas zna da... | |||||
Sophia Global - Future Business School / People and Culture Development A job posting may attract hundreds or even thousands of applicants. Gone are the days when one in-person interview served the hiring manager and interviewee’s needs. Today, smart employers have a selection of interview types in their toolbox.... | |||||
Sophia Global - Škola Poslovanja Budućnosti / Ljudski resursi Oglas za posao može privući stotine, pa čak i tisuće kandidata. Prošla su vremena kada je jedan intervju uživo zadovoljavao potrebe voditelja zapošljavanja i kandidata. Danas, pametni poslodavci imaju na raspolaganju razne vrste intervjua.... |